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CertifiableJeep - Certifiable Trailer - 08.05.12
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So, I head down the road and I can tell right away somethign isn't right, it is weaving back and forth and going up and down, kind of like a whacked out carnival ride. So, I pull into the school and take a look. When I loaded it I wasn't completely level and that showed a lot on the flat school parking lot. So, I knew I had to pull the Jeep forward a bit more... then I noticed the rear tire was almost squished flat... oops, didn't check the tire pressure... duh!
So, home I went, backed it into the garage to do the adjustments and measure it for level and then the skies opened up. 2 nights in a row, tremendous downpours and power flickers. All in all, a great day for the trailer, but I have to get back to it tomorrow night. I did 8 connection points, 4 for the axles and 4 for the d-rings on the suspension. I can't wait to try it again with proper tire pressure in all 4 tires and the Jeep sitting where it should be. I tried at first to center it over the 2 axles, but in the end, I am about 6 inches offset up toward the truck. I just hope I can get this thing registered for wheeling next Saturday!

cb (08.05.12)
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