Project "Tabs Jeep" a.k.a Project "TJScrambler" - part #14 |
(04/14/2014) So, the winter seems to be breaking, although we are supposed to get
snow this evening. I have sold off some parts and finally got back to the Scrambler this weekend. I had to take
the nose off after I got the rocker knockers cut and fitted so I could see how the 401 looks. I wanted to get the
exhaust manifolds off as I knew those would be a major PITA and I had found some headers, so I wanted to see how
they fit in the frame.
We are going flat fenders and standard hood as much as I wanted to go with the
Commando nose. I had to take the nose off though after all the fitment so I could reach and get at the engine.
All in all, I was happy just to have 3 hours in the garage with the Jeep, it has been a long while.
cb (04.14.2014)
(04.17.2014) The Hedman Hedders (yes it is spelled that way), are interfering with
the custom motor mounts for the 401 as well as the bellhousing. I really need to get the body off to see what
is going to happen as there isn't a whole lot of room to work with. It is all good though, they look pretty
decent in there and I couldn't use the old ones with the Matkins frame, so we are pushing forward.
cb (04.17.2014)
(06.20.2014) The front end got some love with some new bumpers. I had some D-rings
so I swapped them on there to see if they would fit. I finally then was able to compare and contrast 10 years
difference worth of work... guy does good work! Not too much else going on with the Scrambler these days, have been
mostly working on the RHD Jeep to get it ready for inspection and summer enjoyment.
cb (06.20.2014)
(07.05.2014) The 4th of July around here was a very, very wet one... so wet that
I got to get out in the garage for a little work on the Scrambler. The issue I was having with the cage was that
the lower holes were not long enough with the cage bracket behind it... so they had to be lengthened a bit. Now
I am sure there are numerous ways to do this, but I simply drilled a hole, made it bigger, used a jigsaw with a
metal blade and then cleaned it up with a grinding bit. All in all, looks pretty good and you can't tell much
of a difference when the bolts are in place over it.
cb (07.05.2014)
(11.09.2014) I reluctantly moved the Scrambler from one garage to the other to make room
for the UK project in the shop. I needed to get moving on the UK tub swap, so this is for the winter, in the Spring it
will be moved back into the shop to get worked on.
cb (11.09.2014)
(05.31.2015) Even though I had reluctantly moved the Scrambler to longer term storage,
I haven't forgotten about it. I have been buying/selling a lot to get the right parts for it. I was able to pick
up an ARB locker for it as well as a pump, so now there is front/rear lockers for it, so that is nice. I also
traded for a garnet console which is in nice shape. All in all, once I get the UK Jeep done (bodywork and assembly)
I can move this one back into the shop and start working it.
cb (05.31.2015)
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