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Project "Leftie" - part #25
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(08.28.15) It has been a busy couple of weeks at nights and on the weekends. I even picked up a new project along the way... I need that project like I need another hole in the head. The good news is that it has been 10 months since I started and about 475 hours so far. It is coming together finally and the last few details are being done and cleaned up.
There was hope to get it to the Jeep Rally down in Ellignton, CT on the 19th of September, but it is looking pretty bleak on that. We have too much stuff going on during the weekends and that is when I can get a lot of work done.
I have gotten a lot of compliments on the color scheme now that it is coming together. Everyone wasn't in favour of the John Deere green before, but they are all coming around now that he nutmeg, stainless and black/white is mixed in there!

cb (08.28.15)
(11.02.15) Just call me Slackey McSlackerson. I have gotten a lot of complaints on the lack of updates. Truth be told. I have been updating stuff, just not here unfortuantely as it takes a long time to put this witty banter together!!

I have definitely done a ton of work on the old girl and she is currently running and driving. She needs some more love in the wiring department, the exhaust department and the windshield put back in, but all in all, as you can see by the pictures, she is coming along.

cb (11.02.15)
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