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Project "Free Jeep" a.k.a Project "FJ" - part #6
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(10/20/06) So it has been 3 months to the day that we moved into the new place and as was expected, it took longer to get the work done, cost more money, and we aren't as far as we expected to be. Don't get me wrong, we have done a ton of things around the house and have spent tons of money, but we are far from where we want to be.

But enough about all that, onto the Jeep and what has been going on with that. As I said, I have had little time to get stuff done on anything except the house; however, the Jeep has gotten a few hours here and there with the frame and the body.
As you can see from the pictures, I have started a little organization in the garage... FINALLY! The biggest issue is that the tub and the frame were taking up a lot of room and they didn't need to be doing that, so I started working on clearing out some of the parts and putting them in the shed and finally getting the tub on it's side on some moving dollies so it can be pushed around. It is really a neat idea to have it on its side. Those dollies can handle like 600 lbs. so it is perfect, one in the front, one in the back and we are all good. A cheap fix to back problems for like 20 bucks.
Getting to the spot where we are at now with the garage has taken a few hours. A lot of organizing and such went into the pictures that are shown here, and I still don't know where everything is. Unfortunately that has led to a lot of extra time searching for stuff. I think I am missing some tools as well as nothing is where I left it before the move ;)
So, in conclusion, I have put about 5-6 hours into the cleanup of the garage and working on getting some of the parts off the frame and the tub. I am really just putzing around doing this until I can spend more time out there. The first thing I will do once the frame is stripped is have it sandblasted and I will repair any issues I find and then move the body mounts back for the YJ tub. After that is done, I will start checking out the axles and getting them cleaned up and put underneath the Jeep. If all goes well, I should be getting a 4" lift setup at a reduced price, at least I hope so. The old springs were sprung and I had to cut off the shackles, so I will be needing them as well. Lots to get and do, hopefully I can find some generous people to donate some of the parts.

cb (10/20/06)
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