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Project "Free Jeep" a.k.a Project "FJ" - part #8
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(11/26/06) So we have given thanks, my sister has been successfully married off, and now I am able to get back to doing a little website work for the "FJ" project. I don't have a ton of stuff to report, but I have made some progress in between working on other projects. First off, the frame is mostly stripped down to nothing. I found a few trouble spots, mostly in the tub support mounts, not to mention that I have to move 2 of them for the Wrangler tub, so I ordered up some frame support mounts and they came in a little while ago.
I also noticed that the rear frame cross member was tweaked a bit, so I wanted to fix that, so I ordered up a new heavy duty one and that will go on once the frame goes under the knife.

In order to make some more room in the garage, I got a set of auto dollies, or "skates" for my Jeep so I can move it around in the garage and make more room for the projects in the wintertime. I have to do some electrical work as well, not to mention some insulation and sheet rock, but hey, it is a start...
I then was searching around on the internet for some other items and found this really nice scrambler topm which gave me an idea to make more of a roadster out of the new project. I have seen some CJ's with the scrambler top, backs, and hard doors on them and figured why not, let's give it a shot. So, I met this kid a few miles down the road, got the top, ordered up the metal divider for it and now I have the parts to make the roadster out of it. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
After all of that, I was able to get a little more off of the donor body. As you can see, I got a lot of the little parts here and there off of it. Bad news when you have a "FREE" tub, New England rust and about 20 years gone by, the bolts tend to not want to come out. I have been cutting a lot of it out, and heating up and torching off the rest. I don't need to get the body in shape yet, but when I have some free time, it is good to get some of it done. I have decided to do the foundation mentality, so I have started on the axles. That will come in the next update.

cb (11/26/06)
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